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 Overcoming Comparison to Walk  Your Own Road

Writer's picture: Nicole GarrettNicole Garrett

I have been one that is full of confidence. You know, I know what I know and that’s it, I’m ready to go. I don’t seem to need a lot to get me moving on a new idea. Once I’ve worked it out in my mind and committed it to paper, actions are going to take place. My sister (the voice of reason) is always cautioning me about the possibilities that I seem to intentionally not consider because I like to work with the half of the glass that is full rather than the empty part. But one day, my confidence was rattled and it took me a while to get my feet stable.

I was secured in a position for 20 years, expecting to retire from that position, but life. So, I moved onto another career path that literally the last 20 years had prepared me for in various degrees. The path was new to me, but I had the skillset to get the job done. As I was new to this field, I did what we all do. I began to research. I looked at people who did it before me so I could glean from their wisdom. I wanted to see the paths that were taken. I couldn’t find the paths because the people I was looking at were talking about where they currently were in business, six figure to million dollar months. All I had to do was copy the “Blueprint” that they set out. The thing is, that “Blueprint” skipped many steps, making it clear very quickly that what they had was unattainable.

It hit me, the comparison, the fear, the realization that there was no way that I could succeed because I am not at that level. I am not equipped to fulfill these tall orders that were needed to be a success.  Something happens when you set your sight on man and not on God.  Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  A little drastic for this blog, I’d say not. Let me explain. Because I started to look at what others had and I fell into the trap of comparison, which led me to see myself as less than, I saw my confidence begin to die.  My confidence was only in the skills I now had to acquire that others were showing me.  I failed to see what God had placed in me, what I had within myself to foster. With that, my confidence was shot.

I had to rebuild myself and become comfortable with where I was. I had to come to terms with the fact that gifts I have I could only serve from my place of experience and understanding. I couldn’t do justice to other people’s realities, only mine. I took inventory of my gifts and the purposes for which I used them.  I became attentive to the impact that others received. I honed in on and owned what was mine. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have faith for greater, because I do, but greater needs the ground to stand on. Appreciating where I am currently gives the foundation for what’s to come(I guess that’s a side bar for somebody)  Once I did that, I got good at becoming vulnerable as an entrepreneur. This gave me the capacity to help others explore those things that they saw as shortcomings, helping them to realize that they are just steps.

Since I now have the understanding that every step was designed for my journey, not much can shake me. Do I get uncomfortable, yes. Is there nervousness, yes. How do I go forward? I go on the strength that God has equipped me, He has taught me what I need for this segment of the road and will give me what I need for the next.  I assure you, the same has been done for you. So, whose success are you measuring yourself against?  Their blueprint is not for you so you will always feel like you don’t measure up. Shift your focus back to the path uniquely designed for you. Then enjoy each step of your journey.

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